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Making holistic investments in community to transform power.

Communities must be resourced to create or advance any policy strategy—and not just financially. Imagine the deepest rest you have ever had. After that rest, how was your emotional, physical, and mental capacity? Were you best prepared for the challenges of the day? That is the level of capacity we want to support in community.

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Move your strategy from winning policies to governing how they are implemented.

Implementing parts of the strategy may occur at different phases of this process. Based on your strategy and assessment of what solutions can be moved, identify a timeline of interventions from three months up to five years, to see where to take action. Implementation is a critical, but often overlooked, aspect of policymaking. Too often communities are resourced to fight to win on a policy, but not to see that policy through, or implement and govern the decisions. At worst, and most often, policy implementation is left to absentee technocrats who are disconnected from the community, and don’t hold the community principles or values at heart. At best, implementers are well-intentioned but lack the deep connection to the community. This needs to shift, and policymaking should include implementation.

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Take stock of what worked and did not work.

While assessment is a constant process, creating an evaluation metric is critical to measure where you succeeded and where you failed, so you can improve and build upon the work.