
Various elements must be secured to help build and sustain power including securing resources, infrastructure, emotional and physical support. When you are able to be fully present you can be expansive in your vision, lead with abundance, and move mountains for change. However, racism and oppression limit community members’ access to these supports. While you and your community may not have full access to these pathways to building power, there are ways to build individual and collective muscle around these key elements.


Mutual Aid Resources

Philly We Rise

Think of existing structures such as churches or recreation leagues, or create new social networks and relationships. This will be necessary to establish a sense of belonging. Providing meals, childcare, transportation support, counseling, and healing resources will support community members' physical and mental wellbeing, further developing the personal power and resilience needed to continue the work.


  • When you are facilitating meetings, are you providing childcare, food, healing spaces or resources to support those facing mental or physical challenges?
  • How is your community showing up and supporting each other to support those struggling with day to day needs, housing, energy, food, water, etc. in order to create space and opportunity for them to participate and engage in this work?
  • What innovative ways can you crowdsource or create community funds to seed the necessary work and strategy for implementation?
  • How are you creating fair, transparent, and equitable governance over funding in order to not replicate the harms, traumas, and practices of white supremacy?
  • How are you building solidarity economies to create long-term self-determination?