the toolkit

This toolkit aims to be a companion resource for facilitators and bridgers in movement work, community leaders who are looking to deepen the practice of policy organizing, and collective governance, and policy-makers who are looking at how to do policy differently. This toolkit is by no means a “best practice” or the only resource available. Throughout the entire toolkit, you will find references and links to resources and processes of considerable value, led by community organizations that inform the work.

Simply, this toolkit offers a synthesis of some of the critical lessons learned around policy strategy and policy organizing in order to be a resource for those who are doing work around community-centered processes to create transformative change and to add to the many voices calling for a change of status quo, top-down policymaking.

This toolkit was synthesized from and informed by over a decade of work rooted in multiple perspectives and experiences across race, class, and gender within the United States. While it is the outcome of a collaboration of the three authors, this toolkit would not be possible if it weren't for the ideas and expertise of leaders and communities over generations. Insights and learnings that have shaped this process— and this toolkit— are informed by decades of brilliance by those who have seen the true value of community expertise, wisdom, and power.




the constellation

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Simran Noor

Simran Noor (she/her) comes to racial, economic, and social justice work as a survivor of violence, experienced personally and systemically. Born into a Punjabi Sikh, Hindu, and Parsi family in New Delhi, raised outside of Baltimore, and based in New York, Simran’s latest endeavor is co-creating an NYC-based BIPOC Consulting Cooperative set to launch in mid-2021 and reflective of her interest in community building and solidarity economies. Simran is currently an interdependent consultant and coach. She focuses on personal power and resilience, strategy and organizational development, and movement building, with a focus on developing processes and setting clear outcomes to achieve racial justice and healing as a means to shift the ways systems, dehumanize, separate, and harm all people, particularly women and communities of color.


Anthony K. Rogers-Wright

Anthony K. Rogers-Wright (he/him) serves as the Director of Environmental Justice at New York Lawyers for the Public Interest. Anthony has been influential in shaping policy and organizing strategy for the United Frontline Table and Green New Deal Network while facilitating alignment and movements towards a climate just platform for federal policy. Anthony brings over ten years of policy analysis, community organizing, and outreach/advocacy experience. While serving as a policy analyst for various environmental consulting firms in California and Colorado, he specialized in land use, Clean Air Act, and environmental justice compliance. He has used his organizing and outreach experience to advocate for a variety of social justice campaigns including environmental justice, affordable health care access, income inequality, and civil rights for LGBT citizens.

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Candid of Anthony Giantarino. Man with brown hair listening to others talk wearing blue t-shirt..png

Anthony Giancatarino

Anthony Giancatarino (he/him) is a father of three and rooted in Philadelphia, PA. Anthony is the Strategy Lead for the Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy and has led the JCET project, for the last four years, working with community partners to create community-driven processes in policy development, strategy, and collective governance towards an anti-racist and regenerative economy. Anthony’s primary work has been through the lens of energy democracy, race, and policy. In this role, Anthony has co-designed and co-led participatory processes to develop community toolkits such as the Energy Democracy Scorecard and the Peoples Orientation to a Regenerative Economy, which helps provide shared analysis and political education materials to support community-driven solutions.



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 the wisdom

The wisdom within this participatory policymaking toolkit has been deeply influenced by many organizers, grassroots leaders, and community members across the country, particularly from the networks and organizations below. Please note, the list of organizations does not signal endorsement, rather these are organizations that have deeply influenced participatory processes over the years. We strongly encourage you to learn about, and, if you are able, support these organizations and efforts as you consider this toolkit.