
Develop accountability metrics. Ensure that you have a clear accountability process for decision-making. For example, decide who attends a meeting with a lawmaker and identify the process for information sharing and authority. Create clear and transparent external communications. Be sure the messaging and narrative is clear and to the point. Tailor messages to different audiences as needed, but these messages should convey the principles and values that you are driving. If campaigns are creating serious disruption, work on narratives and stories that are centered on your communities and let identified community leaders control the story.



  • Who from your community or accountable partners need to be in positions of power to advance this policy?
  • What community education, training, and processes are needed to shift and align government workers to your solutions and vision?
  • What accountability mechanisms can you create to push these implementers?
  • What community education and leadership training is needed to get people to run for elected offices?