Use the benchmarks that the group set in its strategic plan. Process the evaluation with the community. Be sure to create evaluation sessions, meetings, and town halls with the community leaders and members with whom you developed and implemented the strategy. Too often, we tend to evaluate our work in silos. Be sure to hold a shared session for evaluation.

Capture moments to build momentum. In the evaluation, make sure to capture images, poetry, and stories to help articulate and share the successes and lessons from this work. This will emphasize and celebrate the expertise and experience of the community while laying the groundwork for the next campaign.



Racial Equity Tools

Agency Assessments

California Environmental Justice Alliance


  • Did your policy strategy and solution create opportunities to dismantle structural racism, white supremacy, and patriarchy?
  • What succeeded in your strategy?
  • What did not work in your strategy, and what are the unintended consequences?
  • What lessons can be learned moving forward for the next round of work?
  • What factors or events happened beyond your control that influenced your strategy?
  • How did you capture moments and stories in this process to build momentum?