
Revisit the vision you established in the beginning of the shared analysis. Clarify and build how you will create change. Name the goals you want to achieve and how you will achieve those goals, what the vision will solve. Identify the challenges that this vision seeks to transform and name the root causes. Visualize the context. Layout the political, economic, social, and cultural challenges and opportunities in achieving the vision.

Do a power-mapping analysis. Identify the power structures in place that need to shift. Who or what is blocking this vision? What needs to happen for this to change? What policies are blocking this vision and need to shift?


Power Mapping Tools

Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education (SCOPE-LA)

Navigating with a Strategic Compass

Movement Strategy Center

Upside Down Power Triangle

Training for Change


  • How are you disrupting racist power structures and dismantling white supremacy?
  • How does the strategy create opportunities to intervene on immediate challenges right now in your community, while creating the opportunities for long-term systemic change that meets your community vision?
  • Who are the unlikely allies you need to build with for your strategy to succeed?
  • What type of strategy are you building? Policy, political, funding, economic, cultural, or all of the above? How does each context shift who and where you start?
  • How are you planning on implementing your strategy? Is it possible in a particular timeline?