
Far too often, advocates and policymakers come into communities and are devoid of community expertise, value, and leadership. Deep listening to your fellow community members creates pathways to bottom-up solutions that go beyond what top-down policy consultants deem “technically” feasible.

Assess your readiness. Are you ready to listen? Community leaders, facilitators, and advocates play different roles; regardless of which you are, taking a moment to fully engage yourself is vital and essential to any deep listening process.

Try mindfulness. Participate and practice active reflective listening. Detach from any particular outcome.


Watch/Listen: Brené Brown on Empathy

Watch/Listen: Listening is Radical

Read: Deep Listening

Watch/Listen: What is Mediation?


  • How does your current listening approach replicate the trauma of racism and white supremacy? What shifts do you need to make in your listening approach?
  • When you feel most present, what comes up in your body? Where do you feel that presence?
  • Who do you notice is not actively engaging in the group? In what ways can you engage them to listen to their voice, story, and experience?
  • How can you practice listening with empathy and your whole self?