
Participatory research centers the community as experts to support in mapping available resources and needs. Participatory research requires those at the frontlines to be in the driver’s seat as experts of their own experiences that can help inform both the challenges and potential solutions. This process should not only gather community information but also expand organizing to build collective power. Building shared political education developed before, or as a part of this process, aligning shared values, vision, and goals. Participatory research requires us to critically frame our research question alongside community rather than an outside approach.


Community Needs Assessment Guide

Loyola University

Assessing Community Needs & Resources

Community Toolbox, Kansas University

Environmental Justice Mapping

Center for Earth Energy and Democracy


  • How are you leading from strengths and an assets-based approach when you survey your community?
  • Who from your community is conducting the asset mapping and community assessment? How are you supporting youth leadership in this process?
  • What skills has your community identified as critical to support their efforts to advance their strategy and solutions?
  • How have white supremacy and racism negatively impacted your community and what assets and strengths does your community have to dismantle white supremacy?